What Depression Feels Like
At BPHope.com, they offer help and inspiration for those with depression and bipolar disorder. The two are intimately entwined, and yet are not the same. Depression involves unabating feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, while bipolar disorder is marked by depression with alternating feelings of dangerous euphoria. Many people ask, what is depression? Learning about depression is the first step for people who feel they are suffering from it and want to get help. So what does depression feel like? For some, it feels like this: “It feels like someone is pressing down on my chest with an army boot.” “It’s like trying to run up a hill of mud, just to keep sliding back down.” “It’s like trying to get out of the chair to make myself something to eat and feeling like the task is equal to climbing Mt. Everest.” “It’s like instead of moving through air, I’m moving through syrup.” “It’s like being on fire while I’m drowning. It’s confusing and exhausting.” At BPHope.com, they o...