What is Bipolar I? Types, Symptoms, and Treatment
Bipolar Disorder is a mental disorder that causes changes in mood, energy, and functionality. It can be categorized into three different conditions Bipolar I, Bipolar II , and Cyclothymic. People suffering from Bipolar disorder have extreme emotional states that occur at distinct times, also called as mood episodes. These mood episodes can further be categorized in manic, hypomanic, and depressive periods. Bipolar I disorder is discussed below. Bipolar I Disorder Those with Bipolar I disorder experience dramatic mood swings. During the manic episode, they might feel on top of the world or uncomfortably irritated. During depressive episode, they may feel sad or hopeless, with periods of normal moods in between of these episodes. Bipolar I can more easily be diagnosed when a person is experiencing a manic episode. Manic Episode The manic episode is a period of at least one week when the person is very high spirited or is extremely irritated for an unknown reason. The person has ...