Depression in Children – Digging into the Symptoms

The fact that a child feels lonely or irritated that doesn’t mean he or she has childhood depression. Depression is different from the everyday blues that most of the kids develop at different times growing up. Depression in children is a persistent feeling of sadness, and when it occurs, the child feels alone, hopeless, and worthless. When this kind of sadness is unending and disrupts every part of a child’s life, from daily activities and schoolwork to friendships, it could be depression. Along with the child’s life, depression also affects the life of every family member. Distinguishing between normal behavior and true symptoms of depression in children is not always easy. Here are some of the symptoms that you should look for to detect depression in children. Anger or irritability Though it is a very common symptom of sadness or depressed mood in a child, they can also externalize responses, such as frequent temper outburst and aggressive behavior. Depression in younger ch...