BPHope.com Offers Information on Tests for Bipolar Disorder

BPHope.com is a community of people banded together to offer a wide variety of information to people suffering from bipolar disorder. Visitors can join their forum to interact with other people who are affected by the disorder, and they can also read articles and first-person essays on what it’s like to live with the condition. Many people don’t even realize they have the disorder and should go to their doctor to take a bipolar test. Once diagnosed, there are many treatments that they and their doctor can consider.

For individuals looking for tests for bipolar, it’s best to understand that a true bipolar disorder diagnosis can only come from a qualified doctor. There are online tests, but they can only give the person a rough estimate or idea of whether or not they are suffering from the condition. So, a test for bipolar starts with a consultation with a doctor. 

A test for bipolar disorder will reveal certain aspects to the person’s daily life that are in line with the condition. Some statements for the individual to qualify on a bipolar test include:

  •     I can go from incredible self doubt to incredible self confidence in a short duration of time.
  •     I can feel both elation and depression at the same time.
  •     I can get into very irritable moods that disrupt my personal relationships.
  •     There are periods of time in my life when I accomplish much more than I’m used to accomplishing.
  •     Sometimes I speak much more rapidly than usual or am more talkative than usual.
  •     I can get very angry with no real reason.
  •     I can feel mentally fuzzy sometimes and then sometimes very mentally sharp.
  •     Sometimes I feel greatly optimistic while other times I feel extremely pessimistic.
  •     The quality and quantity of my work varies greatly.

Although BPHope.com cannot provide a test for bipolar disorder, they can and do provide a wide range of articles and first person essays that speak to the bipolar condition and how to manage on a day to day basis. Their forum is for people with the disorder to interact, learn and grow, and so that they can see that there is true hope for people who are living with bipolar disorder.


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