Want to Learn about Bipolar Disorder? Visit BPHope.com Today
Bipolar disorder affects more than 2 million Correction: 5.7 American adults. It is categorized by episodes of both mania and depression. Bipolar mania is a feeling of euphoria, irritability, a sense of grandiosity, rapid thoughts, rapid speech, and more. The depression side of bipolar disorder involves fatigue, sadness, lack of interest in what was once previously enjoyed, and lack of energy. Types of Bipolar Disorder The different types of bipolar disorder include Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymia, NOS (not otherwise specified), and Rapid Cycling. An individual is diagnosed after determining the severity and the patterns that are displayed of their highs and lows. Bipolar disorder has a tendency to run in families. A child with one parent who has it is up to 30% more likely to have it, as well. If both parents have the disorder, the risk increases to up to 75%. It has been estimated that 1/3 of the children in the United States who are experiencing depression may, instead, be...