A Virtual See Saw of Emotions: What are the Signs of Bipolar Syndrome

It’s hard to believe that such a wide range of emotions can be captured all in one person, but for people who suffer from bipolar syndrome, it’s a reality. Although many people who don’t have the disorder mistakenly believe that the manic side of bipolar is one to be envied, it, too, has its negatives, and is much more than just a “high.”

Many people aren’t aware of the true signs of bipolar, and those that suffer from it can benefit from a better public understanding.

Bipolar Signs-

Depressive Signs:

Thoughts of suicide
Feelings of hopelessness
Un-explainable loss or increase in appetite
Problems concentrating
Slow speech
Lack of energy   

Mania Signs:

Feelings of being “high” or overly elated
Significant restlessness or impulsive behaviour
Impaired judgment
Over-confidence in one’s powers
Engaging in risky behavior
Racing thoughts, fast speech

Bipolar disorder itself is marked by severe mood swings that swing from high to low, and low to high. Extreme mood swings can last anywhere from hours, days, weeks or even months. Someone with bipolar disorder may even display a mixture of depressive and mania, and feel completely elated but also simultaneously depressed.

The two most commonly diagnosed types of bipolar are:

Bipolar I: The standard form of bipolar disorder, type I leaves virtually no doubt in anyone’s mind that the individual is experiencing a manic phase. Someone with bipolar I and experiencing mania is likely to end up in an emergency room if their behavior remains untreated. Extreme elation, to the extent that someone with Bipolar I feels, can spiral out of control. To be diagnosed with Bipolar I, the individual must have had either manic or mixed episodes that last for at least 7 days, or have required for the person to seek hospital care.

Bipolar II: Characterized by less severe symptoms than Bipolar I, Bipolar II is four times more common than type I. Unfortunately, this also means that it makes it harder for friends and loved ones to recognize the signs of bipolar in the individual. Hypomania is an issue for those who suffer from Bipolar II, as, without proper treatment, the person can reach severe depression or manic levels.

BPHope.com is an online resource dedicated to providing individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder with informative articles, celebrity columns and forum networking. Their topics range from bipolar signs to kids with bipolar, to how to handle relationships such as spouses, children, parents, coworkers, bosses, the dating scene, and more.


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