Everything You Need To Know About Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that involves both ends of the mood spectrum. An individual with bipolar disorder experiences both depression and mania. 5.7 million Americans struggle with bipolar disorder, and often have questions related to how depression and bipolar are related, as well as causes, symptoms, and treatments.

BPHope.com is an online magazine that is dedicated to helping people who are suffering from bipolar disorder. The magazine offers a plethora of articles related to bipolar disorder, written by health professionals as well as people who suffer from depression and bipolar. BPHope.com also offers an online community forum so people can talk about their individual experiences and grow through peer support.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Extreme mood swings
Episodes of euphoria
Episodes of depression
Feelings of guilt
Engagement in risky behavior
A lack of concentration
A belief in one’s superiority and abilities
… more

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar I – Marked by an extreme manic episode, interlaced with episodes of depression, as well.
Bipolar II – Marked by at least one major episode of depression and an episode of hypomania, a less severe form of mania experienced by an individual with Bipolar I.
Cyclothymic Disorder – Milder form of bipolar that involves many episodes of hypomania and less severe depressive episodes over the course of two years.
Mixed Bipolar – A person with mixed bipolar experiences both mania and depression at the same time, or relatively close to one another.
Rapid-cycling Bipolar Disorder – When a person has, over the course of one year, four or more hypomanic, manic, or depressive episodes.

Treatment for Depression and Bipolar Disorder

BPHope.com provides its readership with dozens of articles that surround the issues caused by depression and bipolar disorder. Some of these articles include “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Bipolar Depression,” “Opening the Door on Hypersexuality,” “Bipolar Support Groups: Why it Pays to Keep an Open Mind,” and “Bipolar Disorder and Hobbies.”

If you’re interested in finding out more about bipolar disorder and about the relationship between depression and bipolar, visit BPHope.com today. You’ll find articles related to symptoms, treatments, relationships, kids, and even a community forum where people can find support.


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