Bipolar Test: Steps in Diagnosis

What is Bipolar Disorder?

With 5.7 million Americans suffering from bipolar disorder, it’s important for everyone to be educated as to the symptoms and signs of this mood irregularity. Through the years, doctors and mental health specialists have reached new heights in successfully diagnosing the disease, as in the past it was often confused with schizophrenia and depression. Now, there is a specific set of steps that doctors take when they administer a bipolar test to their patients.

Bipolar disorder is a disruptive mood disorder that causes the individual to experience both emotional highs and lows. The lows are known as depression, and the highs are known as euphoria. These mood swings vary in frequency and length depending on the individual and their own diagnosis, and a bipolar test does not involve things like blood tests or lab work.

Steps in Diagnosis

First, the patient is given a comprehensive physical examination. This is to rule out any other type of physical issue that could be the culprit for the person’s symptoms.

Secondly, a psychological evaluation is performed. This is performed by the doctor or mental health professional. The individual will freely and openly discuss their feelings, patterns of behavior, and thoughts. The doctor will have the individual fill out a questionnaire, or psychological self-assessment to gain further insight. It is at this time, as well, when family and friends may be asked for specific information regarding the individual’s mood swings and behavior.

Then, the doctor will ask the patient to keep a daily log of their moods, eating habits, exercise habits, sleep patterns, etc., so that they can more accurately diagnose their condition. Mood charting is a helpful and necessary aspect of the bipolar test procedure.

Lastly, the doctor or mental health provider will compare all of the patient’s symptoms with the criteria established in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Diagnosis to develop a complete disease and treatment analysis.

Those looking for extensive information online are encouraged to visit This magazine was established specifically to help those who suffer from bipolar disorder or want to learn What Bipolar Disorder is. Their articles are geared toward helping individuals feel less alone, as well as to become more educated about their condition. Articles regarding treatment therapies, handling day to day life, relationship management, definitions as to what is bipolar disorder, information about bipolar test, and even bipolar in kids are all successfully tackled at this informative magazine.


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