Five Tips to Manage Bipolar at Work

Millions of people in the United States suffer from bipolar, and so they must also figure out how to manage their illness while at work. Oftentimes people with bipolar I and bipolar II disorder seek out employment that is quite intense for a short period of time, which would fall in line with the nature of the illness. However, it’s best for people with bipolar disorder to find employment with regular hours for the structure and stability.

The key to managing bipolar at work is by recognizing when symptoms are developing and responding accordingly.

Regularly manage your stress levels at work.

  • Practice deep/relaxing breathing at your desk
  • Go for a walk around the block
  • Take regular breaks before you actually need them
  • Listen to music that you find relaxing
  • Call a supportive friend

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

  • Get enough sleep – especially on nights when you have work the next day
  • Skip the office donuts and choose fresh fruits instead
  • Consider how caffeine negatively affects your body (should you stop at 2 cups?)
  • What stress management techniques worked well for you in the past?
Never ignore your symptoms.

  • Whether you are feeling a manic or depressive episode coming on, go the extra mile to control your stress
  • Take time off work if necessary to help you recover
  • Seek out a counselor or therapist to help you over the rough patches

Stay up-to-date on your medications
  • Even if you are feeling “fine” never discontinue your medication without talking with  your doctor first
  • If you take your medication at work, keep it in a bottle that will protect your privacy
  • Be aware that you might need extra sleep due to medication side effects

Keep yourself organized
  • Use electronic organizers if you find them easier than the paper variety
  • Focus only on one project at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed and stressed out
  • Ask supervisors to hand-write out your job task expectations
  • Use the alarm on your computer or cell phone to keep you focused on the correct task for the proper amount of time is dedicated to helping those who suffer from all types of bipolar including bipolar I and bipolar II. They offer dozens of related articles written by medical authorities, writers who have bipolar disorder, and even celebrities with the illness. Their goal is to offer hope and harmony in light of the debilitating disease.


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