
Showing posts from September, 2017

5 Things You Should Never Say To Someone with Bipolar

Bipolar disease affects 5.7 million people in the United States alone. Many people know someone with bipolar disorder. It’s natural to want to help a friend or loved one with bipolar with helpful words, but sometimes, even though you might think you are speaking from the heart, what you say can come across as flip or inconsiderate to the person with bipolar disease. Below are things you should never say to someone with bipolar disorder: “Things are so good for you, why are you so depressed?”  This might be one of the very worst things to say to someone with bipolar because if anything, the person knows that they have a good life. They can be grateful for their world and still not have control over their mood swings, which only makes them feel that much worse.  “You should stop taking things so personally.” When someone is struggling with bipolar, it isn’t just their brain that is affected it’s their entire physical and mental well being. Being less confident in oneself...

Symptoms of Bipolar You Might Be Ignoring

To be human means to have a range of moods. But, how do you know if your range of moods falls within the boundaries of bipolar illness? The symptoms of depression include lack of energy, preoccupation with morbid thoughts, and withdrawing from friends. If an individual struggles with depression and then cycles into a euphoric mood, it might be a sign of bipolar disorder. Here are some signs of bipolar that you might be ignoring: Experiencing euphoria :Euphoria, itself, is not a harmful emotion. The individual may also find that it is associated with feeling extremely productive, creative, and goal-oriented. However, if the feeling of euphoria lasts for a week or more and appears with other symptoms (racing thoughts, quick speech, irritability), then you might be looking at bipolar illness. Feeling overconfident :  An individual with bipolar disorder often feelsan extreme confidence in their abilities. This also leads to  decisions that can be risky and harmful to the ind...