Symptoms of Bipolar You Might Be Ignoring

To be human means to have a range of moods. But, how do you know if your range of moods falls within the boundaries of bipolar illness? The symptoms of depression include lack of energy, preoccupation with morbid thoughts, and withdrawing from friends. If an individual struggles with depression and then cycles into a euphoric mood, it might be a sign of bipolar disorder.
Here are some signs of bipolar that you might be ignoring:

  • Experiencing euphoria:Euphoria, itself, is not a harmful emotion. The individual may also find that it is associated with feeling extremely productive, creative, and goal-oriented. However, if the feeling of euphoria lasts for a week or more and appears with other symptoms (racing thoughts, quick speech, irritability), then you might be looking at bipolar illness.
  • Feeling overconfident:  An individual with bipolar disorder often feelsan extreme confidence in their abilities. This also leads to  decisions that can be risky and harmful to the individual.
  • Rapid speech:  An individual who is struggling with bipolar might speak so quickly that others aren’t able to understand them. This could be a sign of bipolar illness. This rapid speech is often accompanied by racing thoughts, and conversations can seem one-sided.
  • Extreme irritation:  One of the symptoms of bipolar illness is that the individual experiences extreme irritation. The person might find themselves becoming angry without real provocation. If it lasts for several hours or even days, you could be dealing with symptoms of bipolar.
  • Easily distracted: One of the symptoms of bipolar illness includes being easily distracted (which is sometimes mistaken as adult ADHD). The individual might start a task and not finish it and cycle through this process several times.

Keeping a daily mood journal and discussing it with a physician is the first step toward an accurate diagnosis and ultimately treatment and recovery. is an online magazine with dozens of articles about the symptoms of depression and mania, bipolar illness and how it affects people’s daily lives. Their thoughtful and insightful contributors are first-hand sufferers of the illness, medical authorities, and also celebrities. Visit today to increase your knowledge of bipolar illness.


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