Things to Know About Uncontrollable Anger and Irritability in Bipolar Disorder

There is this cynical concept that hypomania is a ‘perk’ of having bipolar disorder. People associate it with being sky-high happy and they believe that there are only two emotions related to this disorder; one is feeling over-the-moon happy and the other desperately sad.

This is not the case.

Bipolar Disorder has a large spectrum, the two ends being depression and mania.

A depressed person isolates themselves, sleeps a lot, and may have suicidal thoughts. When it comes to mania, a person acts in many different ways. This can include uncontrollable excitement, being easily distracted, and untimely delusions and paranoia.

Hypomania has similar symptoms as mania like the feeling of euphoria, overwhelming feeling of self-importance, feeling highly motivated, energy levels sky rocket, and a racing mind. But the worst part of hypomania is the RAGE!

Another part of hypomania is becoming irritated and angry, and people with bipolar disorder are more vulnerable to losing control of their temper. Irritability is not like a standard irritability. It is not like waking up in a bad mood, it is more about being triggered. It doesn’t take much for a person to begin feeling frustrated. Soon the blood pressure begins to rise and the person explodes into a fit of rage.
How to get control of irritability and angry outbursts

Studies reveal that some people with bipolar remember only 25% or less of what they say or do while they are angry. The best tools that will work to support the person  with bipolar during the outburst include –
  1. Pause the Conversation
  2. Practice patience
  3. Remember that the outburst is temporary
There is no doubt practicing these tools is easier said than done. They require immense patience and effort until you practice and incorporate them into your day on a regular basis.

For more information about the symptoms of bipolar disorder, visit This online magazine is dedicated to bringing hope and harmony for people with bipolar mania, and they offer a number of well-written articles that fall into categories such as treatments, relationships, kids, symptoms, etc. They also offer access to a community forum where people with mania bipolar are encouraged to discuss their thoughts and concerns in a safe environment.


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