Understanding the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Kids

Most people consider bipolar disorder an adult mental illness, however, children as young as six years old have been diagnosed with the disorder. BPHope.com is an online resource for people who are interested in learning more about bipolar disorder and the symptoms of depression. They recently added a “Kids” category to help children, teens, and parents better understand diagnosis and treatments.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings. The person might be having a depressive episode where they feel very sad and lethargic or they might be having a manic episode, where they feel euphoric and irritated. Of course, it is not always one or the other the individual struggles with; there are also periods of emotional balance in between.
 Some symptoms of bipolar disorder differ slightly in children than in adults.

Kids and teenagers who are having a depressive episode might:
  • Feel and seem very sad
  • Eat too much or too little
  • Have little energy
  • Not be interested in regular fun activities they previously enjoyed
  • Have feelings of guilt and worthlessness
  • Complain about headaches and stomachaches, other physical pains
  • Think about suicide and death

Kids and teenagers who are having a manic episode might:
  • Have difficulties staying focused on one thing
  • Engage in risky behavior
  • Feel extraordinarily happy
  • Act in a silly way that is unusual for them
  • Talk very quickly
  • Have difficulties sleeping but still don’t feel tired
  • Have a short temper; seem agitated and easily irritated
  • Think about and talk about sex more often than their peers
BPHope.com also offers their readership a number of articles based on the topic of bipolar and kids. These include, “Bipolar & Kids: Making the Holiday Season Bright,” “Parental Guilt and Bipolar Disorder: Learning Acceptance,” and “5 Signs of Social Anxiety Disorder in Your Teen.” They also offer information in the categories of treatment, symptoms, support, living well, genetics, family stories, and diagnosis.

This award-winning magazine is dedicated to helping people with the symptoms of depression, answering questions such as, “What is manic depression?” as well as all aspects of information about bipolar disorder. They also operate a community forum where people can find thoughtful and caring support in a calm and inviting atmosphere.


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