See Your Doctor for a Test for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can affect anyone, anywhere at any time of their life. The median onset for the illness is 25 years old; however, children, teens and elderly people are affected by it, as well. Some daunting facts about bipolar disorder include when one parent has the disorder, there is a 15-30% chance that their children will have the disorder, and when both parents have the disorder, the risk increases to an alarming 50-75%. According to the World Health Organization, Bipolar Disorder is the 6th leading cause of disability on the planet.

Bipolar tests are given by the individual’s doctor. There are bipolar tests online, but for the most accurate diagnosis and guidance, it’s best to consult your local clinic or general practitioner. In the past, before today’s more accurate tests for bipolar disorder, the disorder was confused with other ailments such as schizophrenia, unipolar depression, conduct disorders, substance abuse disorders, impulse control disorders, ADHD, some anxiety disorders and PTSD.

So, what does a doctor need to know to diagnose someone with bipolar disorder? The diagnosis doesn’t come from a blood test; it is actually contingent on the individual’s mood swings, that is, their frequency, length and severity. Everybody has mood swings from day to day, however, someone with true bipolar disorder will have their symptoms coincide with the criteria already dictated in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

The physician will ask the individual detailed questions about their memory, ability to focus, ability to reason, success in maintaining healthy relationships, ability to express themselves, etc. The physician (with the consent of the individual) may also interview friends and family regarding the patient. The patient is also asked to keep a record of their mood on a mood chart, to help log daily mood events.

The different treatments for bipolar disorder include medications, support groups and certain types of therapy. is an online magazine dedicated to helping people who suffer from bipolar disorder symptoms including depression and anxiety. They offer an array of articles that touch on every possible topic related to bipolar disorder including treatment for bipolar disorder and bipolar tests. They offer an online bipolar support group designed to help people realize and come to understand that they are not alone in their illness.


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