Think You Know the Signs of Bipolar Disorder?

When people suffer from depression, they know it. They feel it and they can identify it rather quickly. But when people suffer from bipolar disorder, the signs of bipolar disorder are at different ends of the mood spectrum and are, therefore, harder for the individual to identify as being one specific disorder. It’s very important for people who think they might be suffering from this disorder to gain insight via the internet, books, counselors, doctors, etc., to get the guidance they might need. is another great avenue to gather information.

The signs of bipolar include two separate sets of symptoms, one on the depression side, and one on the mania side. Someone who is suffering from the affliction will have, at different times, symptoms from each. How can you tell if you or someone you know is showing signs bipolar? Below is a chart to help identify the symptoms:

Depression Symptoms include:

Loss of interest and pleasure in most everything, including sex
Irritability, restlessness
Sleeping too much or sleeping too little
Thoughts and/or attempts of suicide
Frequently thinking about death
Feeling guilty, helpless, worthless, hopeless
Inability to make decisions
Difficulty concentrating on normal tasks
Feeling sad, empty, anxious
Fatigue, loss of energy
Putting on weight or loss of appetite
Physical, chronic pain not associated with another illness

Mania Symptoms include:

Less need for sleep
Hyper sexual drive
Drug or alcohol abuse
Feeling unusually “high” (euphoria)
Believing oneself to be extremely powerful
Acting aggressively
Persistent denial that there is a problem
Talking rapidly
Restlessness, increased energy
Highly distractible and irritable
Poor decision making

At, they are dedicated to people who suffer from the signs of bipolar. They offer a plenitude of articles from people with bipolar and their families, along with articles by celebrities with the disorder. Their articles are thoughtful, well-written and informative, allowing anyone interested in learning more about signs bipolar to be able to do so, no matter what aspect of the illness they’re curious about. also offers a community forum for people to talk one-on-one with each other in their quest for guidance, hope and harmony.


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