Seven Surprising Symptoms of Bipolar Depression

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that affects 5.7 million people in the United States. People suffering from this mental illness experience both symptoms of depression and symptoms of mania, which is where the alternate term “manic depression” came from with relation to bipolar disorder. While many people might realize that bipolar mania is accompanied with a feeling of high energy, euphoria, and being easily destructible, they might not realize the symptoms of depression.

7 Surprising Symptoms of Depression in Bipolar Disorder

When an individual is suffering from bipolar disorder, when they are in a depressive state, they often feel an inability to experience pleasure. This can be in regards to activities they usually enjoy, spending time with friends and family, and any other pleasure they usually enjoyed in life.

The bipolar depression can manifest itself by making the individual feel mentally and physically sluggish. Lacking focus and decisiveness, an inability to make decisions.

Someone with bipolar depression is likely to experience weight changes, and changes in their appetite. It can go either way – they might eat more, or they might eat much less, resulting in a rapid weight gain or loss.

A person suffering from bipolar depression is likely to feel an overall loss of energy, a fatigue that doesn’t allow them to get through the day easily. They may want to just curl up on the couch and be under the covers, not seeing a reason to emerge.

Bipolar depression can create sleep problems in an individual, which can result in insomnia, or in sleeping too many hours out of the day. This can be disruptive to their everyday life because they are not able to be productive.

An individual suffering from bipolar depression might also feel quite worthless and guilty. This is a marked opposite to how they might be feeling during a manic episode.

Bipolar depression will also cause thoughts of death and suicide in the individual. 

For more information about the symptoms of depression as it relates to bipolar disorder, visit today. This online magazine is home to dozens of articles related to symptoms depression, treatment for bipolar disorder, handling relationships and bipolar disorder, and many others. They also offer an online forum where people with bipolar disorder can discuss their journeys together in a safe and cooperative environment.


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