Tests for Determining If You Have Bipolar Disorder

Are you concerned because you believe you have the symptoms of bipolar? Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by episodes of both mania (euphoria) and depression. Depending on the frequency of both and the severity determines the type of bipolar that is present in the individual. However, screening tests for bipolar and a diagnosis by the individual’s doctor  are necessary to make an accurate diagnosis of bipolar or depression.
There are a number of screening tests for bipolar online and these are a good starting point and only give an indication of whether you are showing some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder. They can be used as a screening tool to take to your doctor, along with a journal that you keep of all of your moods, eating habits, sleep schedule, exercise habits, any triggers that you have noticed, and more. 
Here is a sampling of the type of questions you might encounter during a test for bipolar:

Has there ever been a time when you felt you were much more talkative than usual?
Has there ever been a time when your mind raced with thoughts so quickly you couldn’t keep up with them?
Has there ever been a time when your energy soared and you weren’t sure why?
Has there ever been a time when you felt unreasonably irritable and found yourself wanting to “pick” arguments?
Has there ever been a time when you spent more money than you should and you then found yourself with a financial problem?
Has there ever been a time when you felt exceptionally lonely, guilty or worthless and had a hard time fighting your way out of the depressive episode?
Have any of these times interfered with your relationships at work, at home, at school?

If you want to learn more about bipolar or depression or if you are curious about online tests for bipolar, visit www.BPHope.com today. This online magazine is chock full of thoughtful and compassionate articles surrounding the topics of the symptoms of bipolar, tests for bipolar, the differences between bipolar and depression, and more. They also operate an online forum that is geared toward bringing people together to talk about their struggles with bipolar disorder with a focus on sparking hope and harmony in the individual


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